As we approach the season of Thanksgiving, it’s always a great idea to hit “pause” for a minute and reflect on all that God has provided. We asked our staff to tell us what they are most grateful for this year.
As you might expect, we heard things like “our weekly Bible study,” “amazing summer and junior staff,” and more! The Lakeview team’s responses were thoughtful and heartfelt, with a fully-staffed camp, unwavering support, awesome summer and junior staff, and team unity topping the list. But some of their responses might surprise you! Keep reading for the full responses (raw and uncut!).
What are you grateful for?
I am grateful for the position that we are in with our full-time staff team. We are fully staffed and that hasn’t happened for a long time. We have great team members in all of our positions, and it is wonderful to see how the ministry can function at its full potential. A full staff also helps us be healthier when it comes to the ability to take time off and prevent burn out. This has been wonderful for the entire team and the organization. – David Vandercar, Executive Director
The one thing I’m most grateful for is our weekly Bible study. – Brenda Karenke, Food Service Coordinator
I’m grateful for the amazing group of college students who served on our Summer Staff. – Danny Frastaci, Operations Director
I am grateful for meeting new summer staff and getting to know returned summer staff better. It is always a blessing to see different walks of life come together to share the word of Christ. – Kim Wright, Head of Housekeeping
I am grateful to see the way the growing staff has come together, and the way God brings people together through camp. – Kodi Clipp, Administrative Assistant
My favorite part is Pete Bolden. Pete is the man. He sends funny texts using voice to text and he never proofs his messages so besides being funny they’re filled with grammatical hilarity. Pete is my hero. I’m grateful for Pete Bolden. Also big projects, grant money, volunteers, etc., but all those are secondary to Pete Bolden. Love you, Pete! – Jose Beaton, Lakeview Springs Director
The flexibility of office responsibilities that allows me to get outside and work hands-on to complete program projects that increase camp’s offerings. – Brandon Hall, Camp Lakeview Program Director
Spending time with the summer staff and truly getting to know them, while also being impressed by their ‘giving it all’ attitude. It felt like there wasn’t a single minute during the summer that didn’t have some sort of creative spin, ingenuity, or added silliness that didn’t positively impact the campers, resulting in happiness and laughter. A heartfelt ‘Thank You’ goes out to the 2023 summer staff and junior counselors! – Pete Bolden, Director of Ministry Relationships
As I’ve been navigating the first year in my role, I’ve had a lot of moments of feeling unprepared or nervous about making the right decisions, but in every instance, I have felt that there has always been someone on staff that has helped me, talked through different ideas, and offered continual amount of support. I am beyond grateful to have people around me who have helped me transition into this new role and encouraged me as I have navigated this past year. – Hannah Mielke, Villages Program Director