- 22 different schools
- 12 days on the road
- 10 school assemblies
- 14 school chapels
- 1 great month
We love our partnership with the Lutheran schools in southern Indiana, northern Kentucky, and western Ohio. They are doing incredible ministry with their students day in and day out during the school year. We get to swoop in for a brief visit during chapel or for a school assembly, but here’s what some of the principals at those school had to say about what it’s like from the school’s perspective when camp comes and leads a chapel service:

“We love having Lakeview come to Immanuel Lutheran School in Seymour. I especially enjoy their enthusiasm for ministry and how they ‘stir up’ the faith in our students. I think it’s so important for students to see young ambassadors for Christ because they can see how ‘cool’ it is to be passionate about our Lord. Our students see teachers each and every day share the word and love of Christ, but when Camp Lakeview staff come, students can better see how their peers model and live the life of Christ. That connection is so crucial for today’s youth, as so many more barriers come with each new generation that work to pull children away from God; how blessed we are to have Camp counselors seek to bring them closer and closer to God.” –Todd Behmlander, Principal at Immanuel Lutheran School Seymour
“Our students always look forward to Lakeview staff members coming to lead a Chapel service. The Lakeview staff is fun and dynamic. They teach songs and actions that Kindergarteners and 8th graders alike can’t resist. They bring along their ridiculous, hilarious, and loveable monkey, Tiggy, who always succeeds in teaching us something important about Jesus. What a wonderful way to share God’s word with all the children. At Chapel, kids who haven’t ever been to Lakeview get a small little taste of the camp experience, and even that tiny bit is powerful and uplifting (so everyone can imagine what a full week at camp is like). I think also that just thinking and talking about summer makes everyone feel a little better in the middle of a bitter cold January. It is certainly a bright spot in our whole school year!” – Whitney Vandercar, Principal at White Creek Lutheran School Seymour

“Our kids love having Lakeview out here to do chapels. The Lakeview staff does a great job of highlighting what camp looks like. It really fires our kids up and makes them want to go to Camp Lakeview during the summer time. It’s the best way to catch as many kids as possible. Chapel is the one time when all our students come together. When Lakeview visits chapel, it’s a great way to tie in in our worship time with continuing their faith journey during the summer time. It’s great that they are so close to us that they can make the visit. Lakeview also hosts our annual 8thgrade retreat, and they do a great job of helping build some of those leadership skills that want our eighth graders to model for the rest of the school. Lakeview does a great job of helping set the tone for the rest of the year.” – Paul Meredith, Principal at St. Peter’s, Columbus