We’re celebrating 60 years of camp in 2025 and we want you to be a part of it! Here are some of the big ways we’re celebrating, as well as how you can be a part of it!
1. Come to the Alumni Reunion (past staff) over Memorial Weekend

We’re inviting all former summer staff to join us over Memorial Day Weekend for a very special Alumni Reunion. Come on Friday and leave on Monday, or any length of time in between. We would love to see as many former Summer Staff and their families as possible come out to camp as we celebrate 60 years of ministry. In fact, we’d love to have people from every decade represented, so hit up your camp buddies and mark your calendars now for a weekend that’s sure to be a highlight of our celebrations.
The weekend will feature all the fun activities you know and love from camp, along with the chance to meet the new Summer Staff team (and maybe share some words of wisdom with them). Also, Alumni Vs. Staff Mudpit Tug anyone? We’ll be playing old camp games and sharing in campfire devos, too. And if you’re interested in helping us coordinate all the fun, we’d love to have your help. Reach out to Frisbee if you’re interested in giving a devotion, leading a game, playing guitar or even headlining a karaoke contest. And look for the appearance from some notable camp leaders from years past.
Mark your calendars now, and look for a registration link coming in March!
2. Come to Open House on Saturday May 24 to help us kick off the summer.

Saturday, May 24th will be a huge day as we celebrate our 60th anniversary. Make plans now to come out for the day for our Open House. We’ll have loads of camp activities and fun happening, enjoy a worship service with lots of past staff members in attendance as we commission our current summer staff, have special swag for sale for the 60th anniversary, and all in all have an awesome day kicking off the summer season! All are welcome to attend, and we hope to see a lot of past and present Lakeview supporters in attendance for this very special day.
3. Submit retro camp shirt designs.

As part of our 60th celebration, we’re collecting retro camp designs to include in the shirt shack this year. Have an old camp shirt lying around with a cool, retro look? Email Hannah to share pictures of old designs that you have. Who knows? They just might make it in the Shirt Shack this summer!
4.Get involved in our capital campaign: “For Generations to Come!”

Even as we look back over the last 60 years, we’re starting to look ahead to the next 60 years of Lakeview Ministries. We’ll be launching our new capital campaign in May, so be on the look out for ways you can pledge to keep Lakeview a vibrant outdoor ministry for families far into the future!
5. Share old pictures, documents, and stories for us to add to the archives.

We want to share fun memories from the past 60 years of camp, and are looking specifically for:
- Old Camp Pictures
- Documents from Camp
- Stories from the past
- Old Games and Songs
- Physical Memorabilia from Camp
During the summer, we plan to create archive displays in the DIning Hall and Village Lodge for people to look through when they come and visit camp. If you have anything to share from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, or 00s, email Matt Riley to share it (if it is digitized) or to arrange for pick up.
We’ll be announcing more fun and festivities as we get deeper into the year, so be on the lookout for future announcements. We can’t wait to celebrate all that God has done at Lakeview in the last 60 years, and with your help, we’re looking forward to creating many more stories for the future!