Engrave a Brick

Leave your legacy at camp by purchasing a brick to engrave. Bricks will be placed on the Camp Lakeview Legacy Trail, a lighted walkway leading into our dining hall building.

To purchase a brick to engrave, fill out the form below and return it to camp:

This walkway was created to honor Mark Burbrink and recognize his 23 years (1974-1996) of dedicated and tireless service at Camp Lakeview. Mr. Burbrink worked to ensure that the ministry of Camp Lakeview advanced, first and foremost, the Word of God and secondly, the impact of outdoor ministry in southern Indiana.

A 4″ x 8″ brick can be engraved for your gift of $200.
A 8″ x 8″ brick can be engraved for your gift of $400.

Donations for the bricks are given to the Lakeview Foundation and can be designated towards the Mark Burbrink Beautification Fund, the Tom “Digger” Franke Campership Fund, or the Unrestricted Fund.

Write your legacy. Engrave a brick. Support camp and its campers into the future.