Growing up, each summer my family would cram 6 people and all our luggage into the minivan to head north for a week of Family Camp. Those weeks produced some of the best memories of my life. My family spent sunshiny days jumping in the lake, rainy days playing cards on the porch, and evenings around the campfire singing songs of praise to God. These camp experiences provided touchstone moments in my faith that I still draw on today, and drew us closer as a family through the shared adventure, challenges, and fun we experienced together.
It is my sincere hope and prayer that camp can be an incredible resource to your church or group as you seek to encourage, equip, and connect families in Christ. When you bring families to camp, you are providing incredible nutrient rich experiences to help them grow in their faith and as a family.
And best of all, you don’t have to plan anything!

-Ellie “Frisbee” Lutz, Senior Program Director

Family Fun Days
Bring families from your church, group, or organization out to camp for an incredibly fun day together. At Family Fun Days, families spend a Saturday at Lakeview Villages, enjoying a relaxed schedule with a wide variety of activities to try (swimming in the lake, anyone?), a cookout lunch of hot dogs and brats, and campfire devotions.
Tiny Tykes Weekends
This overnight retreat is perfect for some special one-on-one time for a parent/grandparent/other significant adult and their favorite K-3rd grader. At Tiny Tykes, parents are able to create memories with their kids that will last a lifetime as they enjoy a Saturday and Sunday at Camp Lakeview that is jam-packed with awesome camp activities like horseback riding, creek stomping, slip n sliding, zip lining, and more.

Family Camp Retreats
Encourage your families to get away to camp for the ultimate vacation weekend. A “choose your own adventure” schedule allows families to experience a weekend that is just what they need. This is one of our most popular programs, and many families make it a yearly tradition to return to camp for a weekend spent playing together, relaxing together, and growing in faith together.
Spring Work Weekend
If you’re looking to provide service project opportunities for families, look no further. This is a FREE weekend spent serving together at camp. There are projects for all ages and ability levels, and time spent in fellowship together each evening.

Announcement Blurbs + Program Flyers
Here are blurbs that are easy to put into emails, bulletins, or handouts to help encourage families to come to camp.
- “Bring Your Family to Camp” General Blurb
- “Family Fun Days” Blurb
- “Work Weekend” Blurb
- “Bring Your Family to Camp” Flyer
Media Resources
Here are already created promo pieces you can use for powerpoint slides, handouts, or social media posts.

Get in Touch
Have questions or want to talk about further possibilities in bringing families out to camp? Contact Frisbee using the form below or call the office at 812-342-4815.