Financial Aid

The Camp Scholarship APPLICATION PERIOD runs from Feb 10-March 10

Call our office with any questions about Financial Aid

We offer Tiered Pricing (designed to provide subsidized costs for families that need them) and Camp Scholarships to help pay for the cost of camp.

Everyone is able to apply for a campership, regardless of financial background. All applications are kept completely confidential.

The Process

  1. Register FIRST
    We require that you register for a session before applying for a scholarship. This ensures your camper has a spot reserved while you wait to hear back from us.

    Registering requires a $100 deposit. We will return this deposit to you in full if you decide you are not able to attend camp after hearing back from us about your campership application.

    If you cannot afford the deposit required to register, please call our office to arrange another option.

  2. Choose the Tier C pricing option
    This is our lowest tier pricing option, and already serves as a form of financial aid. This lower price is made possible by our generous supporters. Remember, all tiers receive the same great camper experience – there is no difference based on the tier you select! If selected for a campership, this Tier C price will be reduced by the amount awarded.

  3. Pay the $100 deposit
    We will return this deposit to you in full if you decide you are not able to attend camp after hearing back from us about your campership application.

    If you cannot afford the deposit required to register, please call our office to arrange another option.

  4. Fill out the Campership Application
    You can apply for a campership for up to 4 campers. If you have more than 4 campers in your family, call our office to apply for additional people.

  5. Hear back from us by the end of March.
    We will contact you with the campership amount awarded and apply it to your registration fees. Full payment of any remaining registration fees is due 2 weeks prior to the start of your camper’s session.

Information for Churches and other Organizations Providing Scholarships

If you are handling campership requests for a church or other organization, please call our office so we can provide you with tips and tools to coordinate smoothly between yourself and camp.

Questions? Call or email our office for more information.

Contact Information

Office Email

Office Phone: 812-342-4815

Office Fax: 812-342-9290

Lakeview Ministries
13500 W. Lake Road
Seymour, IN 47274

Has camp changed your life? Give back and help camp make a difference to someone else. Click HERE to donate to our Campership Fund.