The Camp Lakeview Foundation, Inc. was established in 1988 to ensure the continuation of camp’s mission of caring and quality service for our current youth and for future generations. The foundation is an avenue by which charitable gifts may be received, invested, and expanded for the maintenance and growth of Lakeview Ministries.
Why should I give to the Foundation instead of Lakeview Ministries itself?
When you donate to the Foundation, your gift will be INVESTED and continue to support camp long into the future. The majority of the support the Foundation gives to camp is through the INTEREST earned off these investments, not through the initial gifts themselves.
That means that when you donate to the Foundation, your gift will help support camp not just once, but year after year through the interest earned off your gift. When you give to camp directly, your gift is used for relatively immediate purchases and needs. Donations made directly to camp allow the ministry to operate on a yearly basis.
While both options are greatly needed, giving to the Foundation is a way to allow your donation to GROW beyond the initial amount, and build a LEGACY of support for camp. Imagine a point in time where the gifts given to the Foundation have accumulated to the point that the interest off these gifts is able to support the entirety of camp’s operations, without touching the original gifts. That’s the power of the Lakeview Foundation!
How To Give
To give to the Foundation, simply select “Lakeview Foundation” from the dropdown list of options on the giving page. You can select a specific purpose to give towards, with the different purposes described below. If you have no preference, you do not have to select a purpose and the Foundation will use your gift in the area they feel best serves camp.
Giving Options
UNRESTRICTED FUND: helps camp make improvements to their facilities and equipment
Gifts made to the Foundation’s Unrestricted Fund will be set aside, with the interest from these funds being disbursed at the discretion of the Foundation’s Board of Directors for improvements, maintenance, expansion, or equipment. Monies from this fund will NOT be used for general camp operating expenses.
GROWTH FUND: helps camp with major improvements or in emergencies
Contributions to the Foundation’s Growth Fund and any associated interest are used only for major improvements, land acquisition, or emergency purposes. This fund is set up for those who would rather give to capital improvements than general operation expenses and is best used when there is not an ongoing capital campaign. The fund allows a giver to contribute toward future building projects yet to be determined.
TOM (DIGGER) FRANKE CAMPERSHIP FUND: helps provide scholarships for children to be able to come to camp
This fund was stablished in 2013 in honor of Tom “Digger” Franke, who served as Executive Director at Lakeview Ministries for 16 years. This fund provides camp with the ability to offer scholarship to camp for children who otherwise could not afford to come.
BEAUTIFICATION FUND: helps camp with projects to make the grounds more beautiful
Established in 2017 in honor of Mark Burbrink, who served as the Executive Director at Lakeview Ministries from 1974-1996. Mark was known for his tremendous passion for making camp a beautiful place, often mowing the lawn around camp at midnight after a long day serving campers. This fund is used to support projects at camp that increase the beauty of the grounds and setting around camp.
BUILDING MAINTENANCE FUND: helps camp maintain the level of quality of the facilities
This endowment helps to combat depreciation of the buildings at camp. Administered by the Foundation, gifts to the Building Maintenance Endowment will be kept intact, with interest going annually to the camp’s operating fund to offset the growing cost of maintaining the existing facilities.
EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FUND: helps camp maintain and replace the equipment at camp
This fund was established in 2015 by Dan Kiel, a longtime volunteer and supporter of camp. Administered by the Foundation, gifts to the Equipment Equipment Fund will be kept intact, with interest going annually to the camp’s operating fund to offset the growing cost of maintaining the existing equipment.
Camp Lakeview Foundation Board of Directors
Mark Miske, President
Troy Forman, Vice-President
Brian Jones, Secretary
Michelle Schaefer, Treasurer
Mike Hatton
Each member of the Camp Lakeview Foundation Board serves a five-year term. New Board members are elected at the annual meeting each September. Candidates interested in serving in this capacity can contact David Vandercar, the Executive Director of Lakeview Ministries, using the contact form below: