This is your one-stop spot for everything you need to know about coming to Camp Lakeview this summer. Scroll down to find the camp programs we offer, dates, prices, schedules, and more!
Once you’re ready to register, click the blue “Register Now” button at the very top of the page.
Summer 2025 Landing Page
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Camp Lakeview Camp Activities
Map of Camp Lakeview
Classic Camp (Tier A: $695, Tier B: $595, Tier C: $495)
(Click HERE for more info on tiered pricing)
Camp sessions for 2nd-6th graders. Experience everything camp has to offer in one incredible week. Swimming, horses, ziplining, mud pit tug of war, stargazing, campfire snacks, making new friends, learning about Jesus…the adventures are endless.

Sample Schedule I Click the blue “Register Now” button at the very top of the page to register.
4th of July Camp (Tier A: $695, Tier B: $595, Tier C: $495)
(Click HERE for more info on tiered pricing)
4th of July Camp has all the activities you experience during a normal week of camp along with extra special stuff for this week only. Ooh and ahh over FIREWORKS at the lake, bounce on giant inflatables, break out the red white and blue glow sticks, and spend a week celebrating Jesus!

Sample Schedule I Click the blue “Register Now” button at the very top of the page to register.
Explorer Camp (Tier A: $310, Tier B: $280, Tier C: $250)
(Click HERE for more info on tiered pricing)
Do you have kids looking to explore camp on their own for the first time? Explorer Camp is the perfect fit! Specifically geared towards first-time campers, Explorer Camp is a fun, safe, adventure-filled camp experience packed into a 3-day session.

Sample Schedule I Click the blue “Register Now” button at the very top of the page to register.