Did you know that Lakeview Ministries isn’t owned by any single entity? Not an organization, or a church, or a group of churches. Instead, Lakeview is owned by the people who donate to camp. Without this support, we could never accomplish all that God has called us to do.
Here are five fun facts about our Lakeview Partners:
- All it takes to become a Lakeview Partner is a $100 donation in a single year, although many partners contribute larger amounts.
- Lakeview’s ownership constantly changes. Many grandparents and family members give to support the ministry that is so important to their grandkids. Others become partners because of the ministry they themselves have received.
- Our Board of Directors is made up of Lakeview Partners. The Lakeview Board supports and equips the Executive Director at camp, and helps guide the policy and vision of camp.
- Lakeview Partners live all across the nation! Our current partners hail from as far away as Oregon, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico all the way across to Rhode Island, New York, and Virginia…and many states in between!
- Our goal is to reach 500 Partners by the end of the year. Last year we had over 450 Partners-join in this year to help us break that 500 mark!
Being a Lakeview Partner means you are partnering in ministry with us. Over 30% of our operating budget is made up of donations, and it is our partners that allow us to keep our prices down, offer camperships, and make camp a place for EVERYONE, regardless of how much money you have. keview Partners allow us to make up the difference. In essence, Lakeview Partners make camp available to everyone who wants to come.
What a priceless gift! As our way of saying “thank you” to our Lakeview Partners, we have begun offering an annual Lakeview Partner Celebration Day, where we invite all of our Lakeview Partners to come experience camp for themselves.
Towards the end of the summer, we’ll be hosting our second annual Celebration Day for all Lakeview Partners. If you’re a Lakeview Partner, be looking for an invitation sometime soon.
To become a Lakeview Partner:
- Go to lakeview.camp/give.
- Click the big red “Give to Camp” button.
- Select $100 as your amount (or higher!)
You can select different areas for your $100 to be donated to. The most flexible for us here at camp is contributing to the General Operating fund. You can also set up your donation to reoccur each year, so that you remain a Lakeview Partner!
Over the years, tens of thousands of individuals have seen the life-changing impact of camp and have willingly given of themselves to support this ministry, joining the generations of people who have kept this place going. Thank you to everyone who has partnered with us in ministry, and if this is your first year, welcome to the Lakeview Partners!

David “DAV” Vandercar, Executive Director