Meet our new Retreats and Registrations Coordinator!

Lakeview Ministries is thrilled to introduce you to our new Retreats and Registrations Coordinator. Meet Janis Beulow!

Janis is a Lakeview alumni. She’s been a camper, a Junior Counselor, and served on staff at Lakeview Villages in 2019, where she met her husband Colby. (Some of you might know them better by them camp names: Mima and Spidey.)

We recently sat down with Janis to learn a little more about her Lakeview connections and all she hopes to accomplish in her new role.

Lakeview: The Retreats and Registrations Coordinator is a new position here at Lakeview. Tell us about your new role. When do you start, and what will you be doing?

Janis: I’m starting full time on March 25. I will be the one helping process camperships, handling registrations for summer camp and retreats, helping with administrative tasks for summer camp, and answering retreat inquiries.

Lakeview: What made you decide to apply for the job?

Janis: I’m a trained Director of Christian Education (DCE). I currently work in a parish role, but I just kept thinking about how camp has impacted my family. There’s just something so special about camp ministry. Here at camp, we’re able to see God working actively in people’s lives, whether they come as retreat groups or summer campers.

Lakeview: What is your connection with Lakeview? 

Janis: I started going to Lakeview as a camper in the third or fourth grade. I’ve been part of Camp Lakeview and the Villages both. Then I was a JC in high school, and my freshman year of college, I decided to apply to be on summer staff, which is where I met my husband, Colby.

Lakeview: What do you hope to accomplish in your new position?

Janis: I really value good hospitality when it comes to ministry. I’m currently serving as the Christian Growth Associate at Trinity Lutheran in Utica, Mich., where I focus on coordinating discipleship ministries and making first-time guests feel welcome and at home. I’m really excited to get to do that at camp, especially for parents whose kids are coming to camp for the first time. I recently had the chance to talk to a student who will be a junior counselor this summer. She’s excited but a little nervous, and I was able to ease that anxiety and tell her all the great things she’ll be doing this summer. That’s what really excites me about this role.

Lakeview: What are you looking forward to most about the job?

Janis: The difference between working in a big city and working at camp is that it’s…well, CAMP! You get to sit back and take in God’s creation. I was at Lakeview for some training a couple of days in February, and it so wonderful to be with people who care about the kingdom of God and nature. I think there will be lots of opportunities to grow authentically on a smaller team. Plus, there’s just a change of vision that’s really exciting. 

Moving to Lakeview means moving closer to home and family as well. My home church is Our Shepherd Lutheran in Avon. My sister and brother-in-law are moving up to Louisville, and we’re already planning how the Beulow-Wagner family can be a part of Work Weekend! I think it will be great for all of us to do more at camp—together.

Make sure to welcome Janis to camp the next time you see her. We’re tremendously excited to have her as part of our team and see all the ways that God is going to use her to bless this ministry!