Camp Pictures

The Join Code to see pictures is given out during check-in at each camp session. If you misplaced it, call our office at 812-342-4815 to receive it for your camper’s week of camp.

Want to see pictures taken during the week of camp?

We’ll be taking pictures the entire week and uploading them to Waldo Photo Service. You can view and download photos using the FREE PHOTO GALLERY.

While our goal is to upload pictures Monday-Thursday, this is not always possible due to technology issues and/or staff availability. If you don’t see any pictures uploaded for the day, know that it is because we are hard at work creating an awesome experience for your camper.

Pictures will NOT be uploaded on Friday as this is the day our media staff create the end of week Camp Memory Video.

Parents sometimes contact us because their child is not smiling or appears unhappy in a picture. Please know we will always call you if there is a significant issue with your camper. Photos capture a single snapshot in time-they are not indicative of the entire experience.

Want photos of your camper texted straight to you?

Sign up for Waldo’s PHOTO DELIVERY SERVICE. It costs a small additional fee per month (with a free 7-day trial) and uses facial recognition to text any pictures taken of your camper straight to your phone.

After your week of camp, you can easily cancel your subscription through your online account.

Want to see other pictures and videos taken during the week of camp?

At the end of each week of camp we create a Memory Video filled with videos taken during your camper’s week of camp. This video will be sent to you via email the week following your camper’s session. We also post pictures, videos, updates and more to our Facebook and Instagram pages. Make sure to follow our pages to join in the fun!

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Have more questions?
Check out the FAQ for Waldo created just for parents!

Need help with Waldo?
Email any time you have a question!